Sports Lighting

Call : 01803 844833



The lighting needs to provide satisfactory conditions for each of the sporting activities which are to take place. Unless finance is available to install separate lighting schemes for each activity with suitable switching facilities, compromise will need to be reached whereby the lighting installation provide satisfactory lighting conditions for all activities. As these areas are designed primarily for recreational and training purposes, the individual requirements are not as stringent, and it is therefore usually possible to reach a compromise solution that will be generally satisfactory for all uses of the area.

Depending on the anticipated programme of use and standard of play be catered for, the floodlighting should normally be designed to provide acceptable conditions for the most visually demanding sport. This generally means sports involving a small, fast moving ball (e.g. tennis and hockey).The floodlighting will need to be designed predominantly for those sports whilst ensuring that the others will be able to be performed satisfactorily under the same conditions.
The smallest recommended multi use games area (approx 35m x 18m) will be able to provide for single court recreational tennis, basketball and netball plus five-a-side soccer, six-a-side hockey and for short tennis courts.

So that players can easily follow the ball, it is preferable for light to come from at least two sides. In order to restrict problems with glare, it is generally recommended that light sources are, as far as possible, located away from the main direction of view.

The lighting requirements will depend on the particular usage and type of surface and court markings etc, but in general the most important factors will be the illuminance, uniformity and glare control.

A side-lighting system using a minimum of two pairs of columns is normally the most satisfactory compromise for small areas. The column heights and spacing will depend on the equipment selected and other specific sire requirements (e.g. planning restriction, light spillage etc), but in general a minimum mounting height of 6-8m should be satisfactory in providing reasonable uniformity and controlling glare.

Where larger areas are involved, additional columns and/or increased column height may be required.

Budehaven College.

Replaced 20 old 2kw metal halide lights with 16 Philips 1500w LEDs. The old lights had seen better days. The ...

Marston Mortaine MUGA

Carried out a re-fit of a MUGA that has not been used for approx 10yrs. We installed Philips Clearfloods, replacing ...

Slough School.

Fantastic installation of lighting 6 Tennis Courts at a large school in Slough. Using quality Philips LEDs and Abacus Columns ...

Bencrete Skateparks in Scotland

Carried out two superb Skate Parks for quality Skate Park builders, Bencrete (Playcrete) in Peebles and St.Andrews, Scotland. Quality at ...

Ernsettle School. Plymouth

Thank you so much to Ernsettle for the letter of recommendation. We have worked on this project for a long ...

Somerton Skate Park

A new LED installation at Somerton Skate Park, using Bell asymmetric LEDs and Abacus 8mt base hinged columns. The Parish ...

Somerton Skate Park.

Started the ground work for a Skate Park floodlighting installation in Somerton. All ground work done, all ducting and cables ...

Community School Plymouth

After a very long time of planners etc we have finally completed the new LED installation at a Community School ...

RNAS Yeovilton Base

Complete new service at RNAS Yeovilton helicopter base. The contractors used to use cherry pickers to repair the lights.  This ...

Stotfold MUGA

Superb quality MUGA by Playinnovations. Using BELL 240w asymmetric LEDs. Perfect installation, all done by the quality of Sports Lighting ...
Sports Lighting Call : 01803 844833 © 2021 Frontier Theme
Sports Lighting