Sports Lighting

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RFU Guide to flood lighting Philips OptiVision Gen

Brixham Rugby Club

It's fantastic to get another testimonial from a top flight club as Brixham Rugby Club. Thank you to all the ...

Brixham Rugby Club

Brixham Rugby Club had 16 old worn out Thorn Champions which were on there last legs. We have now installed ...

Paignton Rugby Club

Another great Testimonial. We must be doing something right. Sports Lighting always doing what we do best !! ...

Paignton Rugby Club

Removed 18 old Thorn Champion metal halide lights and fitted 12 new Philips state-of-the-art LEDs.  The final result was superb ...

Wellington Rugby Club

Wellington Rugby Club Called in to service the lights at Wellington Rugby Club. When we arrived the asymmetric lights were ...

Kingsbridge Rugby Clb

Complete service of the main pitch at Kingsbridge Rugby Club. Lowering all the 15mt columns with just one of our ...

Salcombe Rugby Club

Salcombe Rugby Club. We removed old 400w Son lights and replaced with Philips 2kw metal halide fittings. Perfect for there ...

Wadebridge Camels Rugby

Full service carried out on the main pitch and training pitch. All 20 lights up and running ...

Exeter Chiefs Rugby

Lowered all 4 x 15mt Abacus HL330 columns, each with 6 x 2kw fittings on. New ballasts, lamps and igniters ...

Puddletown Rugby Club

Existing 8 x 15mt columns with existing 2 x 400w fittings on each. Now new 2kw fittings on the centre ...

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Sports Lighting