Sports Lighting

Call : 01803 844833

Service and refurbishment is a must for all sports clubs

We service all Football Pitches, Tennis Courts and MUGA’s all over the country. We have 90% of winches to raise and lower your columns, whatever height. If it is a static column we use cherry pickets. In all service’s we clean reflectors, check terminals for corrosion and clean lamps with alcoholic wipes.
If you have static columns on your football pitch, tennis court or muga, have you thought of changing them to hinged columns, makes servicing so much easier, and in the long run cost efficient 

If you have old symmetrical fittings you will be loosing approx 30% of light up in the sky, plus if they are symmetrical lights they have had there life, the reflectors will be corroded, so now is the time to change to asymmetric lights, all light is pushed down with no upward light spill thatsoever. Much more lux level on the pitch.

I also do lux level testing and supply the certificate for the FA

Call me today. Kim Prestwood 07768 837454

Updated: 17th March 2020 — 4:43 pm
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Sports Lighting