Sports Lighting

Call : 01803 844833

HMS Drake. Plymouth

Sports has been servicing the old Metal Halide lights at HMS Drake, Plymouth for quite a few years now.

It comes to a time when you say enough is enough on the spending on changing lamps/igniters etc.

We lowered all the Christies Columns with our own Hydraulic Ram. Sports Lighting has 10 different Hydraulic Rams to lower 95% of columns from 4mts to 22mts high.

We installed 16 new Philips Optivision LEDs. The sports department of the site could not believe the difference.

Sports Lighting does MOD work all over the country. As we have all the expertise and equipment to tackle any installation, what ever the size.

Sports Lighting doing what we ALWAYS do best.

Updated: 23rd August 2024 — 9:16 am
Sports Lighting Call : 01803 844833 © 2021 Frontier Theme
Sports Lighting